Vid Koprivšek
Vid Koprivšek (1998) graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (UL ALUO) and is currently attending the sophomore year of the Video and New Media master’s programme. He works at the intersection of digital and physical media – contemporary painting and sculpture practices, three-dimensional computer graphics and VR installations. He is interested in the intersections and parallels of digital spaces and physical objects. More specifically, he focuses on the use of VR technology and video game engines, which he uses in parallel with the principles of fictioning to contextualize and expand physical objects. He is the recipient of the UL ALUO Prešeren Award for his bachelor’s thesis. With Matej Mihevc, he presented the duo-exhibition Polymer Ooze at DobraVaga (2022). He participated in the group exhibitions Terminal Drift at MoTA LAB (2022), No White Canvas at the Bank of Slovenia Gallery (2020), A look forward at Galerija DLUL (2022) and Fresh Fish: #aquarium at DobraVaga (2022), designed graphics for a series of theoretical lectures and music albums, and received an UL ALUO award in 2017/18. Together with Matej Mihevc, he also received the first prize for Best Album Image at Tresk #12 (2021) for the cover of the international music compilation Bag of Toys.